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Education Systems Support Limited

Providing SIMS support, advice and training to schools

SIMS Attendance Analysis Report

Enabling schools to make detailed analysis of their attendance data
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Attendance analysis made easy

Schools using SIMS will be aware that it is not easy to obtain an in-depth analysis of their attendance data. Education Systems Support Limited has therefore designed an easy to use SIMS .net report that exports attendance data into Excel and automatically analyses it for you.  The report will allow you to easily analyse the attendance of individual pupils and groups of pupils, identifying those that are performing better or worse than your school target and the cohort average.


This report is provided free of charge to all schools that subscribe to our SIMS Support Package.


It is also available for non-subscribing schools to purchase on an annual licence basis at a cost of £175 per year  (discounts are available for bulk licences purchased by Multi Academy Trusts).  The report comes with detailed usage instructions and is fully supported by Education Systems Support.

The Attendance Analysis Report will enable you to

Identify individual pupils within your school’s attendance thresholds.

Apply multiple filters to identify pupils that belong to certain groups, e.g. Summer born, White British boys with Pupil Premium and attendance below 90%.

View summary information for attendance, lates, behaviour incidents and achievements for all year groups, key stages, gender, and many other specific groups between a specified date range.

Identify the groups whose percentage attendance are above and below the cohort average.

Identify the groups whose percentage attendance is above and below your school’s attendance thresholds.

View summary analysis for all the ethnicities recorded in SIMS.  It also allows you to filter by the DfE’s Sub-Categories (eg White British) and Main-Categories (eg ‘White’)

View percentage attendance, authorised absence and unauthorised absence for all year groups and registration groups included in the report, and to apply multiple filters to the figures.

Apply multiple filters to futher analyse the data.

In a sentence – the report is wonderful.

The Attendance Analysis report has saved me so much time.  Everything I require is on the first sheet which enables me to provide information to others much quicker than before.  I think this is a wonderful report and a great asset to any school wanting to look more closely at their data and sub-categories – ie PP, SEN, FSM, In Care.


Claire McCormack, Customer Care Manager, New College Leicester

Click on the screenshots to view some of the report's key features


Try it out

Click on the button below to download a sample SIMS Attendance Analysis Report output file (Excel .xlsm file) and see how easy it is to use.  [note, if the spreadsheet opens on-screen then click on Download and then Direct Download]

Get in touch

If you are interested in using our SIMS Attendance Analysis Report or have any questions about it, then please complete the form below and we'll get back to you.

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Details of your enquiry

Thank you for your enquiry. We will contact you shortly.

Education Systems Support Limited, New College Leicester, Glenfield Road, Leicester, LE3 6DN

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