About us
Education Systems Support is an Accredited SIMS Support Unit based in Leicester.
We specialise in the training and support of the SIMS management information system used by most schools and academies. The business was incorporated in April 2016 by five former members of a Local Authority’s SIMS Support Team who collectively have over 90 years’ experience in supporting schools in the use of SIMS.
Education Systems Support received Capita Accredited status in June 2017, becoming the first SIMS Support Unit to be rated by their schools as 'Excellent' across all 27 areas being surveyed.
This is who we are:

Eddy Johnstone
Eddy has supported schools with SIMS for over 23 years. His specialisms relate to NOVA T6, the Assessment and Exams modules and he leads on all statutory and local returns of assessment data.

Jeanette Essex
Jeanette specialises in the core SIMS modules, SIMS .net reporting and the termly School Census returns. She has worked in a SIMS support team for over 27 years.

Manish Vyas
Manish specialises in FMS6, Behaviour Management, Discover and the technical aspects of the SIMS environment. Manish has over 20 years SIMS experience in supporting schools.

David Harris
David deals mainly with the financial and business elements of the company and has worked in a SIMS Support team for over 23 years.
Our core business is to provide training, support and advice on the SIMS Management Information System (MIS), including FMS6. We support all types of schools, including locally maintained schools, academies, independent schools and free schools, helping them to make the most of the data that they hold.
Our ethos is one of sharing good practice and contributing to school improvement.
We currently support over 70 schools with SIMS and/or FMS6 on a subscription basis, and can provide ad hoc support, training and consultancy to any other school that uses this software.
Subscribing schools
SIMS Support Package
Unlimited helpdesk support for SIMS, FMS6, Word and Excel.
Priority support for emergency situations, including OFSTED.
Regular SIMS information bulletins.
Guidance and support for statutory and local data returns.
Guidance and support for academic and financial year-end procedures.
Guidance and support for SIMS upgrades and patches.
Access to and support for our bespoke Attendance Analysis Report.
Subsidised rates for
SIMS and Microsoft Office training – please click on the links below for our latest training programme and other information about the SIMS courses we offer.
Technical support, including SIMS software installations.
Consultancy, including bespoke SIMS report writing and advice on customised assessment systems.
Non-subscribing schools
Non-subscribing schools can access all of the above services on an ad hoc basis.
If you are interested in receiving training in the use of SIMS or Microsoft Office, please see our current training programme for details of the courses we offer.
If you are interested in our Attendance Analysis Report then please contact us.
If you would like to discuss ad hoc support, consultancy, training or to make enquiries about subscribing, then please contact us.
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Get in touch
​​Education Systems Support Limited are an independent SIMS Support Unit based in Leicester.
If you would like to enquire about the services we offer or you are one of our subscribing schools and would like to raise a support call, then please contact us by using one of the following options.
Telephone: 0116 2318529
Support email: support@ess.limited
Training enquiries email: training@ess.limited
Alternatively, please complete the contact form below and we will reply to you shortly.
Education Systems Support Limited, New College Leicester, Glenfield Road, Leicester, LE3 6DN